Berita PETE for Elementary School Study Program lecturers took part in the International Conference on Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport Science (ACPES 2023)

31 October 2023

The 9th ASEAN Counsil of Physical Education and Sport (ACPES) Conference 2023 “International Conference on Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport Science”, 30th October- 1st November 2023 host by Faculty of Education, Mahasarakam University (MSU), Thailand.

The keynote speaker of the Conference are:
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lian Yee Kok (Developing Competent Coches: Re-Examining Coach Education Content).

2. Mr. Naoki Nishiyama (factor Analysis of Physical Education Development in Cambodia and possibility of application to ASEAN Countries).

3.. Prof. Tandiyo Rahayu (The Contribution of Fatigue levels, Wellness and Recovery Towards Physical and Technical Improvement of Young Athlete: A case Study at The National Potential Young Athlete Training Center- Unnes).

Lecturers who took part in international conferences were:

  1. Dr. Agus Mahendra, MA.
  2. Dr. Yogi Akin, M.Pd.
  3. Gano Sumarno, M.Pd.
  4. Ricky Wibowo, M.Pd.
  5. Mesa Rahmi Stephani, M.Pd.
  6. Wulandari Putri, M.Pd.
  7. Anira, M.Pd.


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